Ever since a few movie studios have made their homes in Atlanta, jobs as move extras, and other movie related jobs and businesses have begun to crop up. Considering our very poor economy, this is very encouraging. Hopefully some of the riches of the East Coast will transfer over to GA, hopefully without all of the decadence.
You don't have to be the movie-star type to find a job in film in Atlanta. Movie studios are looking for real regular people for extras from all walks of life. The pay is typically $100 day unless you have some unique experience they are seeking. Just browsing through some of the listings for movie extras today, I saw calls for a double for Dolly Parton, a child who could draw, car drivers with their own cars of certain colors, and just basic age and weight calls.
To find listing for calls in Atlanta, you don't have to go through any modeling agency or have professional photos done. You do need good clear photos and contact information, but comp cards are not necessary for extra roles. You also need to monitor the listings at the following locations:
Extras Casting Atlanta Facebook
Acme Casting Atlanta Twitter Account, Facebook, Google Group
Last Looks Casting Facebook
Once you are selected for a casting job, be prepared to work and/or wait around for a 14 hour day. The pay is about $100 which is low for that many hours, but you have to start somewhere. Plus you get to hang around celebrities and eat catered food. Keep yourself and your mind occupied and bring your music or something to read. Be patient and compliant. That may earn you the chance to do it again, and one of these times, someone might give you a line which will multiply your day rate exponentially.
You don't have to put your own face on the screen to make money in the Atlanta Movie Industry. They are always seeking homes and businesses in which to film. Large empty buildings are especially attractive. To find out more about getting your home or business on the big screen, check out the Southwest GA Film Commission and the Georgia Film Sourcebook